I am no stranger to the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport. I found myself stuck here on numerous layovers particularly in my college years when I resided on the east coast. None of these layovers went according to plan because US Airways was involved. The airline formerly known as US Airways had abysmal customer service, terrible connections, and its hub at Charlotte consistently had some of the worst delays in the country. When US Airways was absorbed by American Airlines, nobody appeared to have any whiffs of nostalgia for the airline that at one point or another ruined someone's day/s. Needless to say, I have spent far too much time in the Charlotte airport throughout my life, so the city it serves had a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. When it appeared on my schedule this week, I wasn't terribly enthusiastic.

We arrived around 5:30pm, and thanks to the recent change in the clocks, the sun was still up. Despite being quite tired, I decided to head out for a run because I spotted what appeared to be a trail on google maps. I was pleasantly surprised. From our hotel in downtown Charlotte, I was just a couple blocks from an entrance, and other than the constant drone of vehicles and sirens on the streets nearby, this greenway trail was sheltered from the concrete jungle of the city. Named the Little Sugar Creek Greenway, the path criss-crossed a creek numerous times, passed some restaurants and shops, and eventually emptied into a place called Freedom Park. Many folks were outside cycling, jogging, or just enjoying the moderate temperatures. At just shy of seventy degrees, it was perfect running weather. Cherry blossoms were in bloom, and I was reminded how nice the world can be outside of Minneapolis.

For dinner I struggled to find a place in downtown that was open. The area seems to cater primarily to business workers who promptly leave at 5 or 6:00 in the evening and the restaurants close along with them. The only thing that seemed open was a Bojangles Chicken and Biscuits. It was inside the Charlotte Convention Center, where a Mary Kay Convention was happening. Perhaps excited to not be dealing with another Mary Kay rep, the Bojangles employee tossed in an extra sweet potato pie in my bag. I scarfed down my cajun filet and two sweet potato pies and promptly felt like I had gained 20 pounds.

While delicious, it is no surprise that southerners are the most obese in the country. It's a good thing I spent a little time on the Little Sugar Creek Greenway prior to eating. I didn't think it was possible, but the city of Charlotte seems to have a lot more going on than I would have expected. Tripadvisor doesn't really offer up any exciting sights to see unless you're into Billy Graham or Nascar, but the overall atmosphere and energy of the city seem promising. I like being able to walk outside the hotel and see other people walking about, exercising, and exploring. It's unsettling to be the only person walking around for miles. *Cough* Dayton and Wichita *Cough* The following morning, with the United Airlines logo painted prominently on the side of our aircraft, we departed on time and without incident. Had it been painted with US Airways colors, we would still be at the gate, delayed, and angry.