With some changes going on at our Houston base, our number of reservists has shot up, which has a negative effect on me since I'm at the very bottom of seniority. Basically, I can't expect many calls to fly over the next month. And as much as I despise going to places like Ikea, it gave me purpose. Now at least I had some work to do. My niece has a small plush beaver named Buc-ee, who is the mascot for a truck-stop style convenience store chain throughout Texas. I enlisted his help in building the overly complicated Ikea bookshelf.
Buc-ee consults the instructions |
The work begins |
Buc-ee struggles with the wooden dowels |
Buc-ee shows those dowels who's boss |
Buc-ee positions the shelves |
Buc-ee lifts the side |
Buc-ee begins to struggle under the weight |
Buc-ee collapses |
Buc-ee attacks the instructions with rage |
Buc-ee is instructed to go back to task |
After protesting, Buc-ee continues work |
Buc-ee positions the bottom |
Buc-ee screws in the final bits |
Buc-ee lifts the bookshelf with all his might |
Buc-ee gets cocky after getting the shelves upright |
Buc-ee shapes the boxes |
Buc-ee puts the top on
Success! |
Time to Celebrate |