I put in my bid for the May schedule this morning and it looks like I will have a pretty good chance of getting some good blocks of days off and be able to do some traveling next month. Nicole was excited about this because she will also have some time off. We prepared ourselves accordingly by playing with our cameras. Like an overprotective mother, I had to keep telling Nicole to be careful of the sheer cliffs a few feet away from her. In spite of this, there were some surfers who somehow found their way down the cliffs to the water.
After driving down the road a bit more, we pulled over at San Vicente. I had seen this lighthouse probably a hundred times from the air when I was doing flight training from the nearby Torrance airport. Despite that, I had never actually seen it from the ground. We were not the only photographers at this site. There were about a dozen photographers with massive telephoto zoom lenses pointed at the side of the cliffs. I don't know if they were bird watchers or what their story was, but I do know that they had spent a lot of money on their equipment.
We completed our outing by grabbing some lunch at a small café. There was a blonde-haired youth dressed like a skater wandering the parking lot aimlessly and giving us the stink-eye. One cannot trust the affluent offspring of Palos Verdes yuppies. They have been raised on celery water from Whole Foods and vegan cookies. No wonder he looked so angry. He must have just discovered that his whole life has been a lie and that there is, in fact, nothing organic or GMO-free about vegan cookies. A sad day, indeed.