Today I enjoyed one of my more scenic flights on my way over to Ithaca, New York. The airline that has "west" in its name headed about as far east as I've been since flying. We saw the finger lakes on the way in and I thought I could make out the city of Toronto in the distance. We touched down just as the sun was setting. I had briefly looked up a few things on Tripadvisor that I wanted to check out while I was in town. One of these was a waterfall near Cornell's campus. Of course, it being dark, there wasn't a whole lot to see. I mean--I could see it there, but my camera even on 15 second shutter speed couldn't really make much out.

If I had a longer layover or if it was summer, I'm sure it would be more aesthetically pleasing, but all you are left with as a reader is this blurry, indistinguishable, noisy black image. It's art. I thought perhaps they might light up the waterfalls at night, but clearly I was incorrect in this assumption. For comparison's sake, below is an image taken by someone else during the day to showcase what you can't see in my dark photo.

Not too shabby, eh? I meandered my way back down the hill (and it was a big hill mind you) and into downtown Ithaca. I walked around an area called the Commons which is a pedestrian street with shops and restaurants. Unfortunately, most of them were closed, but I did find a busy corner restaurant which seemed more inviting than the empty Jimmy John's. Its name was "Asian Cuisine." I seem to keep finding very descriptive restaurants. I thought to myself, "I could go for some Chinese food on a cold night like this." But the restaurant's name wasn't descriptive enough. All of the menu items were Korean. Good enough, it's been a while since I've had some good Korean food. I ordered some Bi Bim Bap with a variety of palate cleansers on the side including kimchi. It was actually a really good meal -- even the kimchi bit. I had some nice warm tea to warm me up from the wintry weather outside and the spicy red sauce I showered on my bi bim bap helped clear my sinuses. Well done Asian Cuisine. Top marks.

I wish I would have more time here as it seems like a nice town. All the homes are old and quaint looking. The town is built up on a hill and along rivers and streams. And how about that waterfall? Maybe someday in my life I'll see it during the day, but it won't be anytime soon because there's really no chance that I'll be flying to Ithaca from Houston. In fact, the Detroit-Ithaca trip is a new experimental route that the airline is testing. We had a full flight and one in the jumpseat on the way here, so I'd say it's pretty successful so far. Tomorrow I fly us back to Minneapolis. The weather gods have been very kind to us on this trip so far, but as seen in one of my prior posts, things can quickly go awry on the last day. The forecast in MSP for tomorrow is 30 degrees warmer than last time. It will be 25ยบ.