Each time an airline pilot is given a new domicile, they are guaranteed four "moving days" to relocate to their new base city. This is really just a ruse. First, who is actually capable of uprooting their lives and getting established in a new city in four days? Second, these moving days are flexible, so I moved them to Labor Day weekend to coincide with Nicole's vacation time. As you can see by the photos here, I am in Minneapolis right now carrying a futon up the steps of a four story apartment.
Kauai was a last minute decision. Nicole was concerned that 30 hours was too short of a time to fly halfway across the ocean, but after some shrewd negotiations, she begrudgingly agreed that a free trip to Hawaii was acceptable. I am trying to take advantage of every day I have before I am actually in Minneapolis flying six legs a day, and spontaneous getaways like this are a distant memory.