Through this job, I have flown places I'd never thought I'd see and met all types of people. Some like to discuss politics while I'm locked up in the cockpit. And to be honest, the only ones who want to talk politics are fervent supporters of Donald Trump. When they ask me what my political leanings are, I deflect and say I'm middle of the road moderate (which is mostly true anyway). On a long flight from Houston to Cleveland, one captain discussed in detail why he thought Trump was the obvious choice to restore order. I said nothing. During a dinner with the crew in Guadalajara, a captain and two flight attendants talked proudly of how they supported Trump because he wasn't the typical politician. I said nothing, but hid in shame hoping nobody overheard this conversation. I mean -- I was in Mexico after all. I hear they're paying for the wall. I usually keep my mouth shut, but I can't help but recall a famous poem that ends in "
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."
Over time, I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats. I am not someone who goes to a polling place and just votes down party lines. I know people who would vote for a ham sandwich if it was the right party, but that is not me. You see, this election is important, and the rest of the world simply cannot understand how this race is even as close as it is. The choices could not be any simpler in my eyes. There are people who hated George W. Bush and said he was the worst president we have ever had. Some even called him Hitler. The same hyperbolic statements have been said about Obama as well. Once you bring Hitler into the conversation, the conversation is done. One can argue adamantly with Obama's or Bush's policies, but to say that they are like Hitler is way out of bounds.
On the other hand, what we are experiencing now is absolutely terrifying and eerily reminiscent of Hitler's rise to power. You tap into people's fear and anger. You act as their only voice against a government that has seemingly neglected them. You find a scapegoat. Whether it be jews or muslims and immigrants, the tactics are the same.
"Oh, he'll never do those things he says," is the common response from the Trump supporter. "That's just Donald being Donald. You never know what he's going to say." And isn't that exactly the problem? A lot of people who voted (yes voted) for Hitler thought his propaganda about the jews was outrageous, but 6 million people were murdered because of something he said that nobody took seriously.
"Oh, but Hillary! She's a criminal and should be locked up!," they say. Locked up because of a private email server that didn't have the proper encryption? Anyone who has parents born before 1960 knows that the older generation does not understand this kind of technological stuff. That doesn't excuse her as a former cabinet member for being sloppy, but let's be honest with ourselves. She had no idea she was doing anything risky. I firmly believe that the majority of the criticism leveed at Secretary Clinton is due to the simple fact that she is a woman. Most of the people that don't like her cannot articulate why. "I don't like her voice!" "What is she wearing?" "Stupid b***h can't even please her husband!" "Everything she says is a lie!" (Politifact would counter that only about 25% of the things she says are untrue . . . compared to about 70% of the things Trump says). The above statements, however are simply not said about male candidates. If you have an issue with Clinton's policies, that is fine. Maybe you're a gun owner concerned over your 2nd amendment rights. Or perhaps you consider yourself a pacifist and are leery of Secretary Clinton's record on war. All fair points.
You may have legitimate concerns about Clinton's policies, but you simply cannot glance over at her opponent and think that Mr. Trump would do a better job. This is a man who has ran his entire campaign around building an impractical and racially-motivated wall, insulted our veterans, has no understanding of our constitution or the three branches of government, insults just about every minority group in the country while he himself becomes very combative if someone says the tiniest insult about him, and encourages his supporters to become violent with his dissenters. If you are ok with all of this, you are voting for a ham sandwich. Sorry, that could be worded better. You are voting for a ham sandwich wearing a toupee.
I hereby endorse Secretary Clinton, the only legitimate candidate in this election who has the experience, temperament, and dignity fit for the office of the President of the United States.