but it was already closed, and I didn't feel I would get much out of seeing the exterior. I walked across the river on an old bridge that was now strictly for pedestrians. Once on the other side, I hunted for a place to get dinner. Yelp had assisted me in picking out a few options. My initial choice was a place called the Flying Saucer, a brewpub type of joint with lots of beers on tap. I sat down at the bar, and waited . . .
Five minutes later, I decided to get up and walk out. Normally, I would have been more patient, but I had passed a fried chicken place on my way to the Flying Saucer, and deep down I realized I just wanted to eat fried chicken.
I have no regrets. Unlike the prior establishment, Gus's Fried Chicken was an unpretentious and welcoming environment with solid food and southern hospitality. Healthy? Certainly not. Tasty? Obviously. I very rarely order dessert when I am out. Had the server asked, "Would you like some dessert?" I would have said no, without question. However . . . he said, "Can I interest you in pie?" And my natural response was, "What kind of pie?" He listed about six different kinds including familiar types like pecan, coconut, and apple, but the last one he listed did not sound familiar. Of course, I had to try the unknown kind. It was called chess pie, which is like a custard pie. It is evidently a southern thing, and therefore unhealthy, but it was very very tasty. From Little Rock, I bid you *BURP* good night. And excuse me.